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Learn with us! We want to give you an easy-to-follow guide to manufacturing processes and show you the best optimization process.
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December 8, 2022

Why is Mestric your »must have«?

We have already talked about MES systems in general and about the functionality of Mestric.

What we haven't talked about is why we believe Mestric is the future of your manufacturing!


There are some facts that will give you an answer on whether you need to optimize your production processes and save both time and money:

➡️  your managers communicate with other departments by walking around the room and handing over paperwork, instead of communicating through a single channel and having it all digitalized

➡️ the production manager and the owner spend several hours per day planning the production process

➡️ data from production lines is manually entered into the system or even kept in Excel

➡️ you are constantly checking progress and congestion from home and this takes up a lot of your free time or you have none at all

➡️ too much paperwork that travels around the company, giving you a lot of pain and errors in the process

➡️ you have no information on the exact price of the product and it is difficult to calculate it

➡️ there are discrepancies between planned and actual revenues

➡️ you can not measure productivity amongst your employees; Mestric can help you to set up a reward system and to measure the overall productivity of production

➡️ while receiving a complaint from a customer, you can not find a person responsible for the failure (your reward system depends on this as well)


Having a clear overview of your production processes in one place will save energy, time, and money.

